Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Goldsteins essay

I think cartoons are safer. You can get your opinion out into the public world that way. Can they go over the line? I say no because everyone has a different "line". I do not think you can ever go over the line if you are open to everyone elses opinions, beliefs, views, etc. In my opinion, cartoons should never be censored. It is a form of art. You can express your feelings that way. Personally, I believe that if you think something needs censored, then you should not be looking at it all. When you censor something, it's just the same as changing someone elses work without their consent. Therefore, censoring is like plagarism.

1 comment:

  1. Go a bit further, Alena. You say "if you believe something needs censored, then you should not be looking at it all." This is an interesting topic for discussion. Are you trying to say that the audience has a responsibility to avoid certain arguments? What about those in newspapers or magazines? What about TV shows?

