Thursday, October 6, 2011

positive point of view

A light breeze moves the color-turning leaves on the trees as I sit outside the Bennet Hall. People are doing many different things such as enjoying their five minute cigarrette, getting into their patiently waiting cars, smoothly walking to class, relaxing on the steps at the Stevenson Center, and jogging to feel the cool breeze. The warm sunshine is reflecting off of the cars in the parking lot and cars pulling in with their music flowing through the air. Minding his own business, the security gaurd walks towards the empty amplitheater with a small smile on his face. You can hear the faintest of chatter over the air conditioning unit. If you look at the ground, you can see the ants excitingly move around but if you look up you'll see the carefree spider webs drifting in the wind. The houses seem so cozy with their trampolines and swingsets in their backyards. Cautionary objects are in place; stop sign on the road and fire extinguisher by the tree. One last thing you will never miss, our American flag, blowing in the breeze.

1 comment:

  1. Nice ending with the American flag blowing in the breeze. I had to comment since I know how much you enjoy the comments on your blogs!
